The B&B Casa Dorsi is warm and and friendly that welcomes travelers from all over the world.We have a wealth of experience in the industry and know what travelers value and need during their stay.
Guests can relax in our terraces sea view complete with comfy sofas or catch up with friends and family over the internet.Wi-fi access is also available throughout the property free.
All our rooms have kitchen where guests can make themself a hearty meal or quick snack.
Trips and tours can also be booked at our reception, so don't be afraid to ask.
B&B Casa Dorsi is located in center of Polignano a Mare near all restaurants,bar, pubs.We are 5 minutes walk from train station and bus station.
Our fantastic transports connection Polignano a Mare mean of Puglia's attractions are easily accessible as:
Alberobello, Castellana Grotte, Ostuni, Lecce, Matera, Cisternino etc...
Casa Dorsi - Bed & breakfast - Casa per vacanze
9 - Via Porto, 58 (centro storico) - 70044 Polignano a Mare (BA)
Tel. 328 1511561 - Fax 0804251168
Bed & breakfast - Tel. 328 1511561 - 329 0659131
E-mail: -
CIN IT072035BA400021797